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Anne Bach, M.S., MFT 38891 is a specialist in uses of writing in psychotherapy. She gives presentations on creativity as inner work at major conferences, and lectures widely on psychological dimensions of expressive writing. She also appears in memoir drama performances for various theater groups, including the Marsh Stage in Berkeley. Her clinical background includes poetry therapy with seriously mentally ill patients.
Jonathan Young and Anne Bach also lead in-house staff trainings for counseling centers and other organizations. They also make presentations for university courses and corporate retreats. Since these events are not open to visitors, we don't post the dates.
Dr. Young is not currently accepting new clients. Ms. Bach is available for consulting services on treatment issues, creative projects, and personal mythology.
The Center also presents non-credit lectures throughout the U.S.
Non-Credit Dates
A Sense of Purpose - Wisdom from Wonder Woman
How the Movies are Modern Mythology, Among Other Things.
Several of Dr. Young's lectures are available on YouTube. Search Jonathan Young and Live Oak to find current topics.
A professionally produced DVD is available of the 2012 lecture
The Inner Life of Fairytales, in which Dr. Young explores The Ugly Duckling
to examine the key elements of the inner journey.
Purchase at website: C.G. Jung Society of St. Louis
Phone: (314) 533-6809
Email: cgjungstl (at) sbcglobal (dot) org
The Center for Story and Symbol is a training and consulting group that draws on the wisdom of ancient storytellers to understand the workings of the human imagination. Our seminars build on the traditions of depth psychology and narrative theory. The central role of metaphor in personal and cultural imagery is explored in all of our courses. The Center's mission is to provide opportunities for advanced study of the inner life.