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The Home Study Course is presented at the introductory level. The lectures review the familiar tale of The Wizard of Oz for significant metaphors and psychological insights. If you have previously taken this as an in-person course, you will find about a third of the content is new material.
The audio materials are available by download or mail (on a flashdrive or CD).
Register online or call the Center at 805-687-7171
This self-paced course shows how to explore a classic tale for greater understanding of the inner life. We focus on how mythic stories reflect psychological dynamics.
The course is not just for psychotherapists. It is open to all those interested in archetypal perspectives. The lectures require no background in mythology, narrative theory, or Jungian psychology.
Mythic patterns in stories reflect a broad range of human concerns. This is a course on drawing emotional insights from such wisdom tales. The training deepens awareness of the significant role stories play in intellectual, emotional, and social development.
Introduction to Underlying Patterns in Mythic Stories - 22 minutes
The initiatory journey as symbolic life map - 67 minutes
Story Patterns as reflecting Developmental Stages - 42 minutes
Unconscious Dynamics in the Mythic Imagination - 60 minutes
Deepening the therapeutic relationship - 44 minutes
Clinical work with personal mythologies - 59 minutes
Readings on psychological symbolism in stories - 40 minutes
Completing post-test and evaluation - 26 minutes
Audio lectures: 5 hours. Course Total: 6 hours.
Identifying psychological issues reflected in timeless stories.
Applying narratives to life-stage transition difficulties.
Use tensions between characters to illustrate integration of competing goals.
Discern the shaping influence of stories.
Employ methods of engaging the imagination to claim emotional resources.
Recognize how identity crises can be calls for renewal.
The Home Study Course offers the following credits:
Psychology, LMFT, LCSW, LPCC, Ed Psych, NBCC, Nursing : 6 CE hours
APA approval and other credit-hour details are listed on the Registration Page under Provider Details
This course can be started at any time.
The course involves reading journal articles. These are provided with the course materials. The seminar requires no advance preparation. However, participants are provided with a recommended additional reading list.
Listen to the audio lectures. They are numbered. Be sure to listen to them in numbered order.
The audio course is available by download or mail (on a flashdrive or CD). The mp3 format should play in any computer. The disk will not work in most CD players. The flash drive version should play on any tablet. Most car audio systems with CD players are able to play the disk version. If you know how to move mp3 files from your computer to a smart phone, they should play fine on any smart phone.
Read the journal articles. They are in the documents file on the disc. There are additional items included for your reference.
Complete the two-page home-study exam (post-test). A printed copy is in the packet, an electronic copy is in the documents file.
Fill out the two-page course evaluation. A printed copy is in the packet, an electronic copy is in the documents file
Submit the exam and evaluation by email attachment (center @, fax (805 687-5750), or mail to: Center for Story and Symbol, 310 West Quinto Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Jonathan Young, PhD is a psychologist (PSY10231) with an international online practice. He teaches at the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara. His books and articles focus on personal mythology. His background includes assisting mythologist Joseph Campbell at seminars and was founding curator of the Joseph Campbell Archives and Library. He is currently featured in several documentary series on the History Channel.
Dr Young is the minister of the Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Goleta, a suburb of Santa Barbara. Visitors are welcome Sundays at 10 a.m., Pacific Time, and on Zoom:
Aron, Elaine N. (1996) The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive when the World Overwhelms You. New York: Broadway Books
Campbell, Joseph (2013) Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine (Collected Works of Joseph Campbell) (Safron Elsabeth Rossi, Editor) Novato, CA: New World Library
Campbell, Joseph (1995) Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion. New York: Harper Collins
Estés, Clarissa Pinkola (1993) The Gift of Story: A Wise Tale About What is EnoughThe Gift of Story, (audiotape), Boulder, CO: Sounds True Recordings
Estés, Clarissa Pinkola (2013) Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother's Immaculate Love for the Wild SoulLouisville, CO: Sounds True Books
Feinstein, David and Krippner, Stanley (2009) Personal Mythology: Using Ritual, Dreams, and Imagination to Discover Your Inner Story. (Revised 3rd Edition) Santa Rosa, CA: Energy Psychology Press
Hillman, James (1998) Healing Fiction. Spring Publications
Hollis, James (1996) Swamplands of the Soul: New Life in Dismal Places. Toronto: Inner City Books
Johnson, Robert A. (1986) Inner Work. New York: HarperCollins
Keen, Sam and Valley-Fox, Anne (1989) Your Mythic Journey: Finding Meaning in Your Life Through Writing and Storytelling (Inner Work Book). New York: Inner Work Book
Larsen, Stephen (1990) The Mythic Imagination: The Quest for Meaning through Personal Mythology. Manchester, VT: Inner Traditions International
Le Grice, Keiron. (2013) The Rebirth of the Hero: Mythology as a Guide to Spiritual Transformation (Muswell Hill Press). Muswell Hill Press
Pearson, Carol S. (1991) Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World. New York: Harper San Fransisco
Whyte, David (2001) Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity New York: Doubleday
Whyte, David (2010) The Three Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self and Relationship. New York: RiverheadWhyte, David (2002) The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America. New York: Doubleday
Young, Jonathan (1996) Saga - Best New Writings on Mythology Vol. 1. Ashland, OR: White Cloud Press
Young, Jonathan (2000) Saga - Best New Writings on Mythology Vol. 2. Ashland, OR: White Cloud Press
The Center currently offers one home-study course, The Wisdom of Mythic Stories. The course may be taken for CE credit or non-credit.
Home Study courses for CE credit: $95.
Home Study courses, non-credit: $45.